Friday, 22 February 2013

15 Second film trailer version

For my course work I had to create not only a film trailer but two shorter versions as well, I started with the 15 second version and have created a simple trailer for my course work that makes use of many differnet aspects of editing including;
  • cutting
  • chroma key
  • sound manipulation
  • text inputting

Friday, 8 February 2013

Film poster version 1 comparison

I created my first versions of my film poster, I had two versions with a difference in the main image. To find out which poster was the more favorite with my target market I asked 19 people which one they preferred.

I asked 19 people so there would be no possibility of a tie so I would be able to take the most popular and develop that version further to better appeal to my target market.

Version 1

Version 2

My research into which poster was more popular with my target market was version 2 with 11 votes to 8, this has given me a clear definition in to which poster I should develop further. But since the votes were close I am going to attempt to find a half way point so that more of my target audience would prefer my poster.

I will attempt to merge the two posters by slightly lowering the lighting on the main image of version 2 so that it is slightly darker.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Front cover final

After several drafts and receiving feedback from my target market I have created my final version of my front cover.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Film trailer V2

I have now created a second version of my film trailer, I will gather responses from my target audience to see what they like and dislike about the new trailer.