Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Audience feedback trailers and questions, Part 1 of 2

Since my chosen film trailer genre is adventure I require audience feedback on the trailers to get their opinion of which film trailer is more appealing to them and why.
with this information I can then see what type of film trailer is more attracting to the target audience whether it  be a fast paced trailer or a trailer made with narration.

Below are three film trailers from three different film franchises, which are all adventure films. With the below trailers I will collect my audience feedback by presenting these trailers to them and asking them a series of questions (listed below) to find out the mainstream preference for a adventure film trailer.

The series of questions I will ask for all the film trailers include;

  1. What is appealing about the trailer?
  2. What is the most memorable part of the trailer?
  3. How did it compare to your expectations?
  4. What aspects of this trailer did you like and dislike?
  5. What, if any, changes would you suggest to make this a more improved trailer?

Film Trailer 1
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - Trailer 1

This trailer has been chosen because it is a highly successful  film franchise and as a adventure film trailer would give useful feedback on ways to create my film trailer.

Film Trailer 2
The Mummy (1999) - Movie Trailer

This trailer has been chosen because it is a highly successful  film franchise and as a adventure film trailer would give useful feedback on ways to create my film trailer. Also it is of a different sub genre of adventure to the first film trailer so I will be able to collect feedback which I can relate to another film trailer and find out the codes and conventions of the adventure film trailers.

Film Trailer 3
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade Film Trailer

This trailer has been chosen because it is a highly successful  film franchise and as a adventure film trailer would give useful feedback on ways to create my film trailer. All three trailers are from different time periods spanning nearly 30 years of adventure film trailers, by doing this I will be able to clearly see the conventions that have remained over the years which will then aid in my audience feed back and the creation of my film trailer.

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