Thursday, 20 December 2012

Film trailer 1st version

I have finished the first version of my film trailer and now going to recieve advice on how to improve it so that the next version may be more improved and of a higher quality.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Test Trailer

My first version of my film trailer is almost complete, with this in mind I took the portunity to make the almost finished version and turn it into a video file and upload it to YouTube.

I have done this to test all the aspects of the trailer footage so far, I am testing the;

  • Music
  • Cuts/transitions
  • video footage
  • effects
Also as part of my evaluation after the product stage is complete I will be creating a blooper video to explain how shots don't always go as planned but do make the filming stage more fun and complected as changes and or re-shoots are required. With this in mind I have also placed some of the blooper reel footage on this version of the trailer so I know what to use when I create said blooper reel.

An error I have performed in posting the video is that I have placed some of the useable shots performed by my main actor, these are placed before the bloopers.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Editing software

For my A2 media coursework the use of an editing system was required, the college uses an Adobe software for the editing of all A2 coursework. However I decided that I was going to use my own software and camera, this allowed me to have the freedom to do any filming and editing when and where I wanted due to my editing software, Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11.0, being on my laptop.

One issue I had to overcome by using my own software was that I have never used any editing software besides the standard Windows Movie Maker, this meant that I had to learn how to use this software and I went by this by using common sense but when that was not enough I had to use the help tool to give me advice.

However this was not always useful, but I searched the index that comes with my editing software and found out the information I needed, by doing this I was able to learn the tools and techniques I needed and was able to develop my coursework and improve my skills with editing to a new level through tools and experimentation.

This image shows my coursework, version 1, when it was nearly finished and as you can see I have 19 different tracks in use which all work together to create this film trailer.